Hi! I'm Jen. I'm a mom, certified Pilates instructor, and the owner of My Brooklyn Pilates. I've been teaching Pilates for over ten years and movement for over twenty. I found Pilates as a dance instructor on an amazing trip to NYC in the early 2000s. I then brought the method back home with me to Ohio. In 2008 I made the exciting and scary decision to pick up and move to Brooklyn - looking back, this was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Finally living in my favorite place and experiencing all that the Big Apple had to offer, I fell even more in love with dance and Pilates. Dance fed my soul, while Pilates healed my body. In 2009, I decided to get my first Pilates certification. In early 2010, I began the path to my new career as a Pilates instructor.
By the fall of 2010, I was teaching Pilates all over NYC but soon found a place to settle down in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. By the following year, I was teaching most days in the wonderful Jewish community in Crown Heights. My own small business took its first steps in the homes of my many wonderful clients. Over ten years later, I still call this community home a couple days a week, although a move further out on Long Island has led to me having a home there too.
Although I now live just outside of NYC, there will always be a place in my heart for this beloved city and my favorite borough - My Brooklyn.
